  • Charleston FRIENDS of the Library

TBBS 2025 Sponsors

Event Registration


Support programs at the Charleston County Library!

Provide access and opportunity for all of our neighbors!

For questions, please email director@charlestonlibraryfriends.org

Your Contact Information



Activity Price Quantity Total
Gold Sponsorship $2,500.00
8 Tickets to TBBS Members Night Reception & Sale *Name/Logo featured on event signage (large size) *Recognition on all event marketing, including press releases and media (print, radio, television) and social media *Sponsor recognition at one Regional Book Sale (of your choice) - average attendance 400 *Sponsor recognition at two FRIENDS events [non-book sale] , including social media, press releases, opportunity to share company’s promotional materials (examples are book markets, brewery events, panel discussions, book launches, joint programming with CCPL) *Cross-promotional opportunities available *Recognition on FRIENDS website for one year
Silver Sponsorship $1,000.00
6 Tickets to TBBS Members Night Reception & Sale *Name/Logo featured on event signage (medium size) *Recognition on all event marketing, including press releases and media (print, radio, television) and social media *Sponsor recognition at one FRIENDS event [non-book sale] , including social media, press releases, opportunity to share company’s promotional materials (examples are book markets, brewery events, panel discussions, book launches, joint programming with CCPL) *Cross-promotional opportunities available *Recognition on FRIENDS website for one year
Bronze Sponsorship $500.00
4 Tickets to TBBS Members Night Reception & Sale *Name/Logo featured on event signage (small size) *Recognition on event social media *Cross-promotional opportunities available *Recognition on FRIENDS website for one year
Take A Stand Sponsorship $250.00
2 Tickets to TBBS Members Night Reception & Sale *Name/Logo displayed on stand (11x17) positioned on a book genre table on the sales floor *Recognition on FRIENDS website for one year
  Total: $0.00
Total Amount Due: $0.00